Wednesday, July 25, 2012


1. Functions of Early Art: In this assignment folder is a link to a walk-through of the Lascaux Caves in France. Access the link and explore the cave paintings. There is also a link to background information on the cave site and I encourage you to review this as well. Then answer the following questions (25 points):
  1. What were the cave artists trying to say?   
I believe that the cave artists were simply trying to tell stories and explain what they were seeing. Since they had close to no form of written language they had to rely on art to write their stories down.

  1. Why do you think that there were so many animals and not as many people in the paintings?                   

I think that cave painters probably spent more time hunting and observing animals then they spent time with other people, their lives were more revolved around animals than other people. Most of their stories have to do with the hunt and less about their humanistic relationships, they really spent more time with nature.

  1. What can the paintings tell us about other aspects of the life of cave dwellers or        Paleolithic people?

They tell us about how much they spend with animals, and how much more connected they are to the environment than most of us are.

  1. What difficulties did these early humans navigate in order to paint these pictures?

The early humans had to deal with figuring out how to make “paint” they also had to paint in the day since during the night the caves would become dark unless they had fire. They also couldn’t really screw up since they don’t have the kinds of paint covers and erasers that we do.

  1. Speculate as to three (3) possible functions of this art to early humans.       

Possible functions of art for them could be storytelling: it would be a way to “write” their stories down. It could be a way of communication if two different cultures met and they didn’t speak the same language they would both know what a bull looked like. Also it could be a way for them to mark their territory and or leave marks as to where they have hunted and where animals are plentiful or where they are not.
2. Commonalities in Function: Compare the possible functions of the art from the Lascaux Caves to modern art, in all of its various forms. What are some commonalities in function you can find in how the art of early humans and modern humans? (10 pts)

Art is a bit of a language that can be hard to understand, back then it used to be very literal, a fox was a fox, but now something simple can mean something much, much more. And much like back then it can be used to write stories, however we don’t so much use art to mark territories unless you consider tagging to be a form of art which it can be to some. Most functions of art back then can still be used now.
3. Introduce Us to Your Favorite Art: Include in your post at least one image and/or a link (5 pts) to a video depicting an art form you would like to explore. This could be a specific type of art (i.e., ceramics, photography, etc.), music (classical, blues, grunge, etc.), performance art, or any other type of art you might want to present. Then answer the following questions:
Drawing/Illustrating (these are two of my own pieces of art)

  1. For those who practice this form of artistic expression, what function does it serve? What are they trying to communicate? (5 pts)       

Drawing/Illustrating can be a very expressive form of art, it can just simply tell a story or it can just show life as how it is. They can communicate so many different things it all depends on the person painting the picture or sketching out the image. These artists can also become advertisers/graphic designers where their job is to make a product look good to consumers.

  1. Is there a complete culture surrounding this art form, i.e., a language, a set of behaviors, form of dress, etc.? Describe and identify the features of this culture. (10 pts)   

I think for each individual artist there is a specific “language” they use for their own art, two artists may share the same ideals and draw them but they might not draw it the same way. Most artists tend to look at things from a connective perspective constantly bringing two ideas together that most people wouldn’t associate with each other but it works.

  1. How does this art form (and its culture) benefit society? Are there any detrimental affects? (5 pts)

This art form allows for creativity and it allows for people who don’t speak the same language to enjoy the same story. Stories can be told through images drawn by illustrators, much like animated movies, those used to be drawn by animators through cell blocks, it was hard work but it brought a lot of joy to many people. I can’t really think of any downsides to art other than maybe people will disagree with some artists are trying to convey through their work.


  1. The population size of this culture was likely small, but not enough to argue that they didn't often interact. I agree that perhaps it reflects importance and influence, but I would argue against the level of interaction as a determinant of who or what get's painted onto the wall.

    I liked the issue of possible communication with other cultures. That's a good possibility. Kind of like an international newspaper.

    Thank you for introducing us to your own artwork! Good discussion. I agree that with the general category of "illustrator" it may be hard to find commonalities. If you can break it into smaller specialties, you might see some specific cultures.

    Good post.

  2. Wow, your art is beautiful. I agree with you that two different artists who may share the same ideals but they might draw two completely different things. That also reminds me of how two people can see the same thing, and interpret it in two completely different ways. However, I would disagree that there aren't any downside to art. Music is considered to be a form of art and in our world today, music has gone to extremes with their use of profanity and their explicit images in their videos. That has a negative effect as people will desire the fame and start experimenting with alcohol and drugs in order to fit in with the media. Great post though!

  3. Your post was very nice to read and not only that, your pictures was very nice. I like art, and I have wanted to go to college for it for the longest time. one thing I have to say is that, even though drawing takes time, and patients, at the end its worth every second, and gives great ideas for the next project.

  4. ok one thing is I love your drawing, when I was growing up drawing was my favorite thing. I would draw 3D pictures of my nephews all the time. When I got to high school, ceramics became an art that I have fell in love with. Your information on the cave draws was great you gave great in formation that I liked reading, good job!

  5. Your drawings are awesome and I hope that you do not take this wrong but they seem a little on the darker side. I really like it, as Halloween tends to be something I lean towards and I have a whole Halloween tattoo peice on my body. I could definitely see something like your drawings on me. I am curious as to what your inspiration is?

    1. Well one of the drawings was from a figure drawing class where we had to combine a human face and a lion face, the second drawing was referenced from Lady Gaga Born This Way CD booklet. And I don't take it wrong at all those are two of my darker pieces, most of my stuff is more on the lighter side.
